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Discovering image manipulators

First unit assignment set by Evan Wood, involves digital photography skills via layering and enhancement within photoshop. Our first venture, comes in the form of a workshop. Where we will be creating an image, in which we will appear to be levitating, using images of ourselves as the subject and the landing on the fourth floor in University Campus Barnsley as the backdrop.

Research for this unit has led to a field dominated by men like Erik Johansson, Gregory Crewdson and Andreas Gursky.

Go Your Own Road, 2008 Erik Johansson from Personal Work

Go Your Own Road, 2008 by Erik Johansson (hyperlink in file)

See his videos of how he does it here (I see a niche for the female exponent) although my findings have lead to Jenna Martin although maybe not as surreal or adventurous as Erik Johansson, amongst some of her work there are some that have taken much planning and skill, consequently I feel Jenna Martin should be amongst the Surrealist photographic manipulators. ​

The Seagull by Jenna Martin from To dream a dream collection Jenna Martin Photography

Seagull from the "To Dream a Dream" collection Jenna Martin Photography (hyperlink in file)

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